Sunday, January 6, 2019


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Aries horoscope for Monday Jan 7

A horseman can put on an impressive show when he has the reins of a gallant stallion in hand. He can guide that horse to walk, trot and gallop under complete control. But if the horseman were to drop those reins and the horse got spooked somehow, that ride might completely lose control. That may be how you are feeling now, Aries. You are someone who needs to feel in control, but sometimes letting go of the reins can result in a wonderful ride, taking you places you might not have gone otherwise. Consider releasing your grip today.

Taurus horoscope for Monday Jan 7

A certain person may have become distanced from your life. Even if this person is still around, they are not as entangled with you as they once were. This may feel sad or uncomfortable at first, Taurus, but it can also be a positive thing. Although this individual may have become a part of your routine, they also brought complications, problems, and dark or irritating moods. If you allow it, you may find yourself feeling freer now in some way. And that's a good thing.

Gemini horoscope for Monday Jan 7

Someone in your life may suddenly seem less trustworthy. There may be something that person said or did that has caused you to wonder, Gemini. But before you say something on impulse or give in to feelings of mistrust, try to explore where this feeling is coming from. It could very well be that whatever was said or done, rang a bell related to something that happened in your past, and now you are making a negative association. If the trust was there originally, it is certainly worth considering.

Cancer horoscope for Monday Jan 7

Making a positive change in your life sometimes means that you have to take a different path. And if you think about taking a different path, it is probably one you would not have wandered down before. Maybe there is something frightening about it. Maybe you did not have the confidence to go in a different direction. But whatever the reason, Moonchild, the familiarity will not be there. However, once you set off down that path, it will become familiar. Take that step, and you'll be on your way to success.

Leo horoscope for Monday Jan 7

There are many who would encourage you to look back on your achievements and your successes of the last year as you plan for the year ahead. That can be a great thing to do because it helps to reinforce your confidence in yourself. But looking back at your failures and your disappointments can also help, Leo. If you look back now at a venture that did not work out, as you contemplate something similar, you may find guidance that will be extremely valuable to future success.

Virgo horoscope for Monday Jan 7

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. We have all heard that one before, Virgo, and it is something you may live by. However, right now the going may seem excessively rough, and you may be thinking about giving up on something. But for all you know, you are just one small click away from achieving what you want. If you stop now, though, you will never know. Even if you are two or ten clicks away, or more, your goal is worth it. Keep going and have faith in your ability to get there.

Libra horoscope for Monday Jan 7

If someone has wronged you, Libra, it does not mean they intended to. You may feel that you have been betrayed or disappointed by someone you were close to. This could be the reality, but it could also be a misunderstanding. You owe it to yourself and to the one you believe has let you down to explore this possibility further. The state of not knowing could be worse than the truth, which may or may not be all that bad. Seek the answer before making an assumption.

Scorpio horoscope for Monday Jan 7

A vibrant burst of energy may be infusing you with hope and determination, Scorpio. It would be easy to run yourself ragged pouring that energy into something you want very much. But the stars are encouraging you to distill that energy, savor it, and use it sparingly as you reach for a goal. That way your energy won't be scattered or diluted. It will come forth in full force and maximize your efforts. So, hold back, and be selective in how you use your energy today.

Sagittarius horoscope for Monday Jan 7

Over the last year, Sagittarius, you have put a lot of effort and energy into helping others. Some of your help might not have been all that obvious, such as giving guidance or offering a kind word. But the universe has noticed and your karma bank account is brimming over. As this new year begins, you owe it to yourself to devote more of your energy to helping... yourself. You can still help others, of course, as that is a big part of your nature. But make it a point to take more time for yourself.

Capricorn horoscope for Monday Jan 7

You might already have the answer to a question you have been searching for, Capricorn. You may not recognize this because the answer does not fit the preconceived ideal you have of what it should feel like or look like. But if you allow yourself to think about it some more, and you study it slowly, you will begin to see that it really is a very good answer. Don't stop yourself from choosing that option because it seems less-than or outside of what you expected.

Aquarius horoscope for Monday Jan 7

If you are feeling lost, confused, or simply without an anchor at the moment, your creativity can help put you back on your path. This may be an exaggeration of what you are feeling, Aquarius, so perhaps something just doesn't feel quite right in your life, as though your compass stopped working. But you have everything you have always had, and all you really have to do is get back in touch with your purpose. Choose a creative outlet - whatever that might be for you - and allow yourself to dream again.

Pisces horoscope for Monday Jan 7

"Thinking outside the box" is one of the things you do very well, though you might not see this skill as anything extraordinary. But that, Pisces, is because it comes so naturally to you. That's why not all of your dreams and ideas resonate with others. Not everyone is as visionary as you are. Not everyone has the immense and magical imagination that you have. If your recent expression of an idea fell flat, don't let that stop you. Keep going, and when you have more tangible proof, they will understand.

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