Friday, January 4, 2019


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Aries horoscope for Saturday Jan 5

On a brisk, cold day, you might not think about going to the park. You might be more inclined to sit by a blazing fire, warming your hands on a hot cup of cocoa. But if you did go to the park, you might have more fun than you imagined. An invitation or an opportunity to do something you might not ordinarily do could come to you, dear Aries. Before you say no, consider what might be possible. There may very well be some unique opportunities - such as meeting someone extraordinary - that you might otherwise miss.

Happy New Year!
May the new chapter of your life be even better than the last. Have a wonderful New Year!

Taurus horoscope for Saturday Jan 5

A relationship issue may be causing you some aggravation. You may be able to come up with a long list of reasons why this person is causing you so much frustration. Then again, Taurus, maybe it isn't the other person. And maybe it isn't you either - at least not exactly. If there is something about you that you are not content with or some feeling of disappointment in yourself, it can have a negative effect on all of your relationships whether they are with romantic partners, friends or family members. The greater contentment you find within, the greater contentment you will find everywhere in your life - think about that today.

Wishing you a happy New Years. May it be all that you hope it will be! All the best
Happy New Year 2019!

Gemini horoscope for Saturday Jan 5

If you're running late for an appointment, but you take a shortcut and make all the lights, you might still get to your destination in time. Sometimes, in life, there are ways to catch up. But sometimes it isn't easy, and sometimes it is not possible. You may be worried that you will never be able to get back on track to make something happen. But what you don't realize, Gemini, is that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and you are headed in the right direction. This can happen if you believe and keep trying.

New Year arrives with hopes and it gives us new courage and belief for a very new start. Wish you a very Happy New Year!

Cancer horoscope for Saturday Jan 5

You can ask for advice, do your research on the internet, or ask the most respected experts - but an answer you are looking for right now cannot be found in any of those ways. No, dear Cancer, you already have the answer you seek; you just don't recognize it. No matter how astute the person is that you go to for guidance... no matter how much relevant information you find online - none of that will help. Not really. That's because you have to follow your own heart. Do that, and you'll find your answer and the best course of action.

May all your wishes get fulfilled in 2019. Happy New Year!

Leo horoscope for Saturday Jan 5

Someone may be trying to inspire you, Leo, but what they are saying may not seem very inspirational. Don't let that matter. You are in need of inspiration now, and although someone's misguided efforts may not be working, you can take inspiration from the very fact that someone is trying to help. You have been erecting a wall around your emotions lately. You may not recognize it, but you are loved and admired. If you can let down your guard just a bit, you will begin to feel the love and the magic. Try it.

Happy New Year!
Wishing you a safe and happy New Year! We hope it turns out to be your best year ever!

Virgo horoscope for Saturday Jan 5

You may soon get a second chance to review a decision you made some time ago. The first time, Virgo, it did not turn out as you had hoped it would. You may feel you have failed. You may wish you could get another chance at it. This is a rare thing, but you may soon have the option of a "do-over." This time don't be tempted to play it safe. If you are more creative and step outside of your usual comfort zone, you may find that a new and surprising option looks pretty good. Be open-minded.

Wishing you a happy New Years. May it be all that you hope it will be! All the best
Happy New Year 2019!

Libra horoscope for Saturday Jan 5

You may have recently found yourself in a familiar situation or spending time around a person who seems familiar. Our most profound experiences in life stick with us. When something seems like something else, we also assign the same characteristics to it. But sometimes, something can look or feel the same and be completely and utterly different. Be very careful, Libra, about assuming a new person or situation is like one from your past, or you might miss how special it really is.

Wish You a great, prosperous, blissful, healthy, bright, delightful, energetic and extremely happy and fulfilling 2019!!!

Scorpio horoscope for Saturday Jan 5

You may be in need of reassurance that a mission you recently embarked on was the wise way to go. You may need to be encouraged to keep going down that chosen path even though it may not look as promising to you as it once did, Scorpio. You may be wondering if you made a wrong choice and having someone motivate you and make you feel better about your choice would help. But you may not get that unless you get it from yourself. However, the stars are encouraging you onward. Let that be the reassurance and encouragement you need.

Happy New Year!
A new year is a chance to make new beginnings and letting go of old regrets. Happy New Year.

Sagittarius horoscope for Saturday Jan 5

Although you may usually be a glass-half-full kind of person, Sagittarius, right now your glass may seem half-empty filled with something bitter and chipped along the rim. You may be nursing a regret right now. You may be thinking about how different your life would be if "A" didn't happen and "B" happened instead. Whatever your regrets are, it is never too late to reach for what you want. Don't let a failed experience change your outlook. Your glass really is more than half full. Take a drink.

Wishing you a happy New Years. May it be all that you hope it will be! All the best
Happy New Year 2019!

Capricorn horoscope for Saturday Jan 5

When someone opens a door for you, it can be an advantage - but it may not take you all the way through. Someone may soon offer you a chance that is a rare opportunity. Don't let that be a reason for not trying as hard as you otherwise might. There is no guarantee here, Capricorn. While a door will soon open for you, you will still have to pour your heart and soul into it to make the best impression possible and to gain the best opportunity possible. Keep that in mind.

Wishing you a happy New Years. May it be all that you hope it will be! All the best
Happy New Year 2019!

Aquarius horoscope for Saturday Jan 5

You have been through a struggle recently, Aquarius. But you kept moving forward fighting your way to where you know you are supposed to be. Having been through a tough experience and having gotten used to ducking and diving to keep pushing ahead, you may now be expecting more of the same. But the good news is that your outlook is very hopeful. You can rest and move ahead with confidence and a feeling of security. The coast is clear.

Happy New Year!
A new year is a chance to make new beginnings and letting go of old regrets. Happy New Year.

Pisces horoscope for Saturday Jan 5

A message that someone is sending to you - and has, in fact, been trying to get through to you for quite some time - could be taken in more than one way. You may lean toward interpreting this in a way that is preferable to you, Pisces, because you don't want to deal with conflict. But there is another explanation that seems viable, and that is the one you will need to address. Even though it may seem like opening up Pandora's Box, you must. Doing so will free you and set you on the path of making something right.

Wishing you a happy New Years. May it be all that you hope it will be! All the best
Happy New Year 2019!

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