Saturday, December 29, 2018


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Aries horoscope for Sunday Dec 30

As you approach New Year's Eve, Aries, you need to give yourself a gift for the year ahead. You need to give yourself the freedom to be who you are without sugarcoating it and without apology. Try to reach for the dreams you want to reach for without explaining anything to anyone. During the last year, there may have been some unacceptance that felt heavy and threatened to hold you down or hold you back. You are who you are, and that's something to be proud of. Make sure to have on hand a celebratory beverage so you can drink a toast to the new, unvarnished you tomorrow night.

Taurus horoscope for Sunday Dec 30

It sometimes seems that this time of year certain people - often close family members - enjoy engaging in conflict. They may start conversations that are potentially instigating. They may bring up old grudges and mull over them. They may push your buttons, and they know them so well that it can be challenging. But if that happens, Taurus, you don't have to be involved in any of that. Smile in the face of adversity. Be peaceful in the face of harshness. That's a great way to end the year.

Gemini horoscope for Sunday Dec 30

There may be someone in your world that you would like to be closer to, Gemini. Whether this is a family member, an acquaintance you know through friends, or even a romantic prospect, this is a great time to initiate a new level of closeness. You don't have to do this in an overt way. By simply starting more personal conversations - such as asking about that person's dreams or opinions - you can open the door to a new beginning.

Cancer horoscope for Sunday Dec 30

You may have come to believe that a big mystery in your life would never, ever be resolved. It isn't that you were sitting around waiting for the truth to be revealed. No, you have questioned and explored for a long time looking for answers. Giving up might almost feel like a weight has been lifted. But it may be that just after you have truly given up, Moonchild, an answer may come to you mysteriously. When it does, it may change your entire outlook on your life and your future.

Leo horoscope for Sunday Dec 30

Lots of kids believe in Santa Claus, unicorns and other mythical creatures. Those children who have been told a convincing story of magical or mythical creatures or things don't question their existence; they simply believe. As we grow up, we lose this ability. The concept of simply believing is a good one for you to embrace right now, dear Leo. You have asked the universe for something very important to you, yet you have doubts that your wish will be granted. Try to suspend your disbelief, and just believe in it. There is wisdom in having faith.


Virgo horoscope for Sunday Dec 30

When something upsetting or challenging happens to us, our friends and family members may say something like "everything happens for a reason," in an effort to make us feel better. But sometimes, when you experience something upsetting or challenging, there doesn't seem to be a good reason for it. That's when you might wind up cursing your fate or feeling singled out for punishment by the universe. That may be how you are feeling now, Virgo, but there really is a good - and auspicious - reason for what's happening. Hang in there.

Libra horoscope for Sunday Dec 30

The phrase "look before you leap" may come to mind as an admonishment to you now, dear Libra. Ordinarily, this is something you would not hesitate on. You are balanced and careful and also a good planner. You like to know what you are getting into. But right now, there may be some endeavor for which you are ready to make a blind leap. That is ill-advised. The stars are encouraging you to do a more thorough investigation of some move you are considering. Doing so will at least help you to be better prepared or perhaps to change your mind altogether.

Scorpio horoscope for Sunday Dec 30

It may be difficult to appreciate and cherish a single flower when you have just received a full bouquet of fragrant blooms. Sometimes you have to force yourself to focus on that single flower, Scorpio. Study its graceful shape. Sniff its perfume. Admire the beauty of each petal. The stars are now encouraging you to be present and to recognize how very special some seemingly ordinary event in your life really is. By doing that, you open the floodgates to happiness and to the power you have internally to draw in what you want from life.

Sagittarius horoscope for Sunday Dec 30

You may be avoiding the whole truth about something so that you can preserve someone's feelings. But whenever deception or omission is involved - even when there are good intentions - it eventually comes to the surface and creates bad feelings and other problems. Whereas, Sagittarius, expressing something now in a gentle, compassionate way could be healing in a way. Even when the truth hurts, it is better than being left in the dark. Consider this as you approach some awkward matter.

Capricorn horoscope for Sunday Dec 30

Something may be challenging you now, Capricorn. This is something you may not want to deal with at all, let alone right now. Therefore, you may be tempted to hide away someplace and pretend it isn't happening - and yet it is. But maybe things are not as bad as you perceive. Maybe if you open your eyes to what is going on, you will discover that there really are some benefits and blessings involved in this. Don't hide away. Open your mind to good possibilities that can come through this experience.

Aquarius horoscope for Sunday Dec 30

The strongest relationships are built on understanding, acceptance of differences, trust, loyalty, and sometimes forgiveness. There is someone in your life from whom you have grown apart because at least one of the above elements was missing. You may wish that things were different, dear Aquarius, but you can make the changes that can make this possible again. It may begin with expressing how you feel because it is likely that the other party feels exactly the same way. This is a great day to reach out and make your feelings clear.

Pisces horoscope for Sunday Dec 30

The clothes you wear do not reveal what kind of person you are. Yet there are many people who will judge you based on what you wear along with a wide range of other superficial factors. An opportunity may be coming to you soon, Pisces. This may involve a presentation or interacting with people you don't know, or don't know very well. Although you have the appropriate talent to succeed, don't eschew concerns about the external way you present yourself. Consider it an integral part of your presentation.

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