Friday, December 28, 2018


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Aries horoscope for Saturday Dec 29

With the enormous anticipation and expectation that comes around the holidays, there can be a certain parallel letdown that also occurs when the festivities begin to dwindle. You may be in that state of mind already, Aries, and the New Year isn't even here yet. This may have to do with personal experience, or it may just be a general sense of malaise. It is up to you to change your perspective. Take a good look at the path ahead of you. It is wide open and filled with possibility. Take your first step onto that path, and reawaken your spirit.

Taurus horoscope for Saturday Dec 29

No matter what you believe in, this time of year does have an air of magic about it. Whether you are facing a gift-buying frenzy, a decorating dilemma or celebration spinout, it can become quite hectic. Whatever your beliefs, Taurus, there is one key belief you must embrace right now - your belief in yourself. It doesn't matter what you are facing; you need to know there is a solution for dealing with it and thriving after it. Believing in yourself is essential - you need to recognize that you have many gifts and many virtues.

Gemini horoscope for Saturday Dec 29

Isn't it funny how, at this time of year, even the moodiest or the most bad-tempered people can become a bit brighter, lighter, and friendlier? As the New Year approaches, many people are catching the new year magic dust and are looking back on the regrets of their past and trying to be better people. They may be thinking about formulating a list of resolutions to aid in that quest. Whether you have regrets or not, Gemini, there is one resolution you must embrace - to be kinder to yourself in the coming year. You might be surprised to find that just by doing this, your entire year will be much, much better than last.

Cancer horoscope for Saturday Dec 29

For you, Cancer, the end of the year can't seem to come soon enough. You have had more than your fair share of upsets, disappointments, and trials and tribulations. At times, you may have felt singled out for difficult experiences. But the end of the year is coming, and it is brimming over with hope and possibility, so your sense of wanting it to begin is about much more than wishful thinking. Today, focus on happiness. Concentrate on enjoying today and the next few days no matter what challenges you may face. You are almost there.

Leo horoscope for Saturday Dec 29

Whether you believe in Santa Claus or not, you have to admit that he is a likable fellow. He is happy and jolly. He is kind and generous. He has a big heart and a loving soul. He is larger than life. In many ways, dear Leo, Santa Claus is a lot like you. While you may be feeling drained or beleaguered as the holiday season winds to a close, you can still embrace all those wonderful qualities noted above. Doing so will lift your spirits and the spirits of those around you.

Virgo horoscope for Saturday Dec 29

Virgo horoscope for Saturday Dec 29
Although you may have woken up this morning in a carefree mood with no sense of worry or urgency, you are advised to create a plan for your day. There could be some positive but unpredictable events that could push you into a hurried state, which doesn't have to be a problem if you deal with it properly. Although you can't plan for the unpredictable, Virgo, you can plan for those priorities that you already have. If that is taken care of, then everything else will fall smoothly into place.

Libra horoscope for Saturday Dec 29

Libra horoscope for Saturday Dec 29
Today, Libra, you may find yourself overburdened with a variety of requests for assistance from friends and family members. Some of these people may be those who don't plan all that well or who have taken on more than they can comfortably carry. Why should you be put in the hot seat to perform damage control? If you are already busy with your own list of to-do items, then don't feel obligated to clean up anyone else's mess. A bit of advice might help, but no need to knock yourself out rushing to the rescue.

Scorpio horoscope for Saturday Dec 29

You exude confidence much of the time, Scorpio. People who meet you are impressed by your can-do approach to life and your sage vibe. But deep within, you are not always as confident as you appear to be. That may be the case now. In fact, you may have more than a little bit of worry and insecurity about what the future holds for you. This may be something you tend to deal with as one year comes to a close and another year beckons. But you are where you are meant to be, and you should soon find that any insecurities you are now nursing will wilt. You will soon find yourself feeling vibrant and hopeful.

Sagittarius horoscope for Saturday Dec 29

Everywhere we go, and on just about every day, we casually ask - and we are casually asked - "how are you?" But does anyone of us really mean it? Do we really care to hear all the details or ups and downs of someone else's life? There may be someone in your world now, Sagittarius, that you would like to know a lot more about. This person may intrigue you or simply bring a warm and fuzzy feeling to your life. Don't be afraid to get into a real conversation that goes beyond casual chatter.

Capricorn horoscope for Saturday Dec 29

You may now be contemplating resolutions for yourself for the coming year. But even if there is nothing significant that you wish to change or improve, Capricorn, there is one thing that you really should think about. Make a promise to yourself today, for the year ahead, that you will seriously delve into a hidden passion or an untapped talent. This may be something you have casually thought about in the past, but in the year ahead, this really could bring something deeply important to your life.

Aquarius horoscope for Saturday Dec 29

You are someone who loves to learn, Aquarius. Your mind is a steel trap, and you voraciously absorb all those topics that interest you. You may have the chance to learn something very exciting today, although it may not seem like a learning experience at the time. In fact, this chance to learn may come in the form of a problem or an obstacle. It may even be quite frustrating as you figure it out. But once you get into it, you will see the merit; and once you master it, you will recognize its incredible value now and in the future.

Pisces horoscope for Saturday Dec 29

There is one important thing for you to keep in mind today, Pisces. Even if you are running around trying to accomplish a lot of "stuff" that got delayed or for which you didn't have needed resources, this does not have to translate to anxiety. You may have a feeling of pressure, but don't let it weigh you down - instead, allow it to inspire you. This may seem like an overwhelming time for you, but it really is leading to a much better, much longed-for time of your life. Look forward with hope.

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